2008 Clues
Clues for the 2008 lineup - the first ever batch of Roo Clues!
For all you lineup lookers....here is a clue: There is more than one Manchester.
Answer: Unknown.
Memphis isn't Albany.
Answer: M.I.A. - after all the time we spent looking for people from these cities, it was a simple acronym.
Clouds taste this way.
Answer: Metallica - there's a Flaming Lips album called Clouds Taste Metallic.
Some herrings are red, Jimmy.
Answer: We're not completely sure. It's telling us that some clues might just be dead ends, but it could have also been trying to tell us that Led Zeppelin wasn't playing. Or it could have been telling us that Widespread Panic was (Jimmy Herring) but this seems unlikely based on the timeframe (WSP was not on the initial lineup).
Hard Substance, Soft Substance.
Answer: Iron and Wine.
Janis Joplin's preserves will be served.
Answer: Pearl Jam - Janis's nickname was Pearl. It's important to note that some of the 2008 clues, especially this one, were too easy and djjd has told us that this year's clues will be harder.
Rumors are just rumors, but twist them sideways, grow your humor hair and they become a more yen reality. No, this is not about Fleetwood Mac.
Answer: This one was most likely referring to Lez Zeppelin, due to all the rumors about Led Zeppelin.
It's not sour, what is sowed in the earth.
Answer: I don't think we're sure about this one, but it seems to have been Robert Plant and Alison Krauss - "not sour" leads to Krauss because Krauss sounds like the "kraut" in "sauerkraut" and "sowed in the earth" could refer to Plant.
Three certain birds, add one.
Answer: Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet.
Look to the center of Europe to get the sound, but the band comes from all around.
Answer: Gogol Bordello - this clue actually does use the geographic home of a band, but it seems to be sort of unusual.
Here is another clue for you message board people. Open up the church and you will see the steeple. Some of your guesses have been way off but correct for the wrong clues. Now I must cough.
Answer: Unknown.
Message board chatter? Yes it does matter. We hear your song requests. So Listen High Listen Low Dont Look Too Hard This Is New Radio Bonnaroo.
Answer: Unknown, but this doesn't seem to be referencing any specific band. Probably just a general shout-out to all of us message board people.
Charlie's imaginary band will not be playing and dont believe what he wrote on his hand and the last few things he was not saying.
Answer: NOT Oasis - we kept guessing Oasis so it seems DJ JD was trying to tell us we were wrong. On the show LOST, the character Charlie Pace has a band that is very obviously based on Oasis.
The Walrus ain't Paul.
Answer: DJ JD has implied that this one was just to confuse us.
[something I guess we never got]
Answer: In my notes, all I have for this clue was that it was in another language. This is the one we thought might have been Lithuanian, but apparently we never got anywhere or even figured out how to spell it. Let me know if you've got any extra info here.
What rhymes with orange?
Answer: Nothing, which is apparently what this clue meant! :)
Arizona in Manchester.
Answer: M.I.A. again.
What is in the desert isn't.
Answer: Another one to tell us Oasis wasn't playing.
The chairman of the board, after the birthday party.
Answer: Ben Folds - after a party, you fold the chairs.
Disregard the organization for the advancement of structured information standards. Google that, baby!
And while you're at it, seek Penny's boat. Please.
Answer: Again, Oasis isn't playing. The organization for the advancement of structured information standards is also known as OASIS. Penny's boat is another LOST reference, but as far as we know it was meaningless.
Some of the clues for what's to go to were left last month on Radio Bonnaroo...I don't need to cough this time.
Answer: Probably just telling us we had clues for lineup additions.
DJ JD Farmhand here, I'd like to make an observation at least partially clear...those folks with their theories about Lithuanian basketball teams, they were on the scene and correct, it seems. Now I must cough...[cough].
Answer: Theories about Lithuanian basketball teams relate to the Dead due to the Dead sponsoring the Lithuanian basketball team before the 1992 Olympics. No idea what any of this means, though.
There's a spy on the boards, and he's been there before.
Answer: We never did figure out who our spy was.
DJ JD Farmhand here, I was down for the count but now I have a new clue for you. They sang about miss when they were joven.
Answer: I know we knew the answer to this, and for some reason I can't find it right now. I'll fix this as soon as I figure it out!
There are some things on the radio roo that are just there because we love them. There are some things there because they represent acts that have been to Bonnaroo or Vegoose. There are some things on there because they fit in with the mispronunciation of a Jane Fonda movie.
Answer: Jane Fonda starred in the movie Klute, which could be mispronounced as "clue." So this appears to be saying that it is possible that the songs playing on the radio could be significant - but they're usually not, so don't read too much into it.