2010 Clues

All clues for the 2010 lineup. Hold your cursor over an answer to see the reasoning behind it.

Click a number to jump directly to that clue. Blue clues are presumed solved, orange are questionable, and red are not solved.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Z 8 9 10 D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21

Clue #1
The one monkey that was the warmest and his offspring.

Info: First heard Thursday, January 14th at 4:15 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Didn't read all 17 pages yet- but PP seems to closest."
djjdfarmhound: "Pepiera de Plastica, si, pero tengo que (SPANISH infinitive FOR 'READ' HERE) mas pages."
djjdfarmhound: "Jay Z is DEFINITELY on the wrong track on the 1st clue to Clarksville."
djjdfarmhound: "I wish I could tell you the first clue is in regards to a FUGS reunion. But, alas, that's a dream in my own dog head."
djjd: "Once again PLPEP uses reason to enhance the season. No fishy biz yet."
djjdfarmhound: "Solid progress on both- esp. #number won, I mean one."
djjdfarmhound: "Hats make one warm."
djjdfarmhound: "I mean, won warm."
djjdfarmhound: "1 is Ingrid!"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here. Thanks to metrocknroll for the audio!

Answer: Ingrid Michaelson

Clue #2
Buddy when jolly.

Info: First heard Tuesday, January 18th at 8:17 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Solid progress on both- esp. #number won, I mean one."
djjdfarmhound: "Regarding 2- normally I would suggest getting as far away from Gary Busey as you can, but not in this case."
djjdfarmhound: "Somebody was really close on two- came RIGHT UP THE answer and walked off." (this tweet was apparently deleted after the fact)
djjdfarmhound: "Totally impressed with guesses on tres, hombres/hombrettes. 2 is still causing suffering, I see. No answer here- http://tinyurl.com/ycs5wfy"
djjd: "maybe back to where it all matters most, le chanson." (chanson is French for song)
djjdfarmhound: "#2- go back the songs of Lubbockian." (the Lubbockian meant Buddy Holly)
djjdfarmhound: "back to2, find happy songs from the lubbockian- the answer lies in one of them- can't just serve the answer in a sandwhich, you know."
djjd: "SOUNDS LIKE you are correct in your thinking, orange you?"
djjdfarmhound: "500!! Wow. OK, i am good on my promises. GUITARMAN1420 is on the right track."
djjdfarmhound: "Look for connections, folks. Good work Guitarman."
djjd: "confession- sandwich was to point you towards POOR BOY sounds kinda like OH BOY- i am not good at remembering the names of sandwiches. Title, not lyrics- if that helps." (This post was edited four times, so you might have seen a slightly different post.)
djjd: "ORANGE YOU SMART..., except for BOH guess."
djjdfarmhound: "#2 orange & what simon du 2 the ego"
djjd: "oooooh keep going!!! not break but .... starts with b"
djjdfarmhound: "not easily solved are clues, but egos are easily ( )?"
djjd: "I can neither confirm or deny, as you know. But I will say this- the John Prine set I saw at B'roo 2005 was incredible. He made it rain! Did anybody see that set?"
djjdfarmhound: "2 Prine"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here. Thanks to metrocknroll for the audio again.

Answer: John Prine

Clue #3
A perfect finish to a misspelled mill.

Info: First heard Wednesday, January 20th at 4:13 pm.
When tweeted by @Bonnaroo, the clue was written as "Perfect to finish out the mispailed meal/mill."

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Totally impressed with guesses on tres, hombres/hombrettes. 2 is still causing suffering, I see. No answer here- http://tinyurl.com/ycs5wfy"
djjd: "Someone is VERY close on here--- this band is somewhat obscura, definitely not a local band, hee hee. If I get up to 500 twitter followers- that will make the DjJd feel generous and helpful. Ahem."
djjdfarmhound: "Finally read all the guesses for 3- seems like you can stick a fork in that clue."

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here. Thanks metrocknroll again!

Answer: Tinariwen (Presumably - DJJD hasn't officially confirmed this.)

Clue #4
Two talented acts in one clue, one is rockin, both are "lockin."

Info: The official Bonnaroo Twitter has been tweeting the clues, but this time they tweeted before it was ever heard on the radio. I'm still giving it the radio icon, at least for now, because it was heard eventually.
When heard on the radio, the clue was "Two acts with chops in one clue, one is rockin', both are lockin'."
Tweeted by @Bonnaroo here.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "#4 def. two different acts-- would LOVE to see them together, unlikely. why is 'lockin' in quotes?"
djjdfarmhound: "ZEN KOAN: When is LOCKIN not LOCKIN? A: When the tall blond girls ride bikes for giggles."
djjdfarmhound: "I've said too much, I haven't Zed enough." (this tweet was later deleted)
djjdfarmhound: "sounds like lockin but isn't-- ok now off to clean my haus"
djjd: "Zer gut!!" (in response to jerrysalive mentioning that "lachen" means laughing in German, confirming that that's what "lockin" in the clue refers to)
djjd: "Interesting- Trying to tie Lost into this clue in my head right now. I had this dream than ben and locke went down the hatch- come out a year later as a Smothers Brothers Tribute act. Ben being the straight guy- Locke being Tommy. Can you hear me?"
djjdfarmhound: "#4....you attention please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUXWQI5pJIs"
djjdfarmhound: "Steve Martin one half of a clue answer!"
djjdfarmhound: "4. Two acts with chops in one clue, one is rockin, both are lockin/lachen. Steve is great- but not rockin- who is it?"
djjdfarmhound: "TENACIOUS D is the other half for Steve Martin"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here. Thanks to metrocknroll again.

Answer: Tenacious D and Steve Martin (and the Steep Canyon Rangers)

Clue #5
News that covers important topics.

Info: First heard Thursday, January 21st, at 9:10 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjd: "This is probably the hardest and most tricky one- and the funniest."
djjdfarmhound: "#5, some good guesses, but....."
djjdfarmhound: "still got the blues on the news- like a rolling stone, so far from home."
djjdfarmhound: "5 like 11, perhaps based on a specific INCIdent"
djjd: "I think only a fan of this band can get this one- perhaps one who reads a lot."
djjdfarmhound: "#% am guessing only a fan of this band will uncover this clue, one who is well read and loves history obscured- covering the main topic"
djjdfarmhound: "I guess you could say for 5- the answer is definitely not general, but more dealing with the private"
djjdfarmhound: "Quite a few-- def not 5, def. not D. In the words of John Edwards- HELP IS ON THE WAAAAy. (Elizabeth thinks not...)" (when asked how many clues are solved)
djjdfarmhound: "#5 - has played b'roo before- this is most obscure clue- and still makes me laugh when I visualize the incident..."
djjdfarmhound: "#5 DMB- referring to the incident where he covered his privates with a newspaper- locked out of his hotel room."

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll again.

Answer: Dave Matthews Band

Clue #6
Find this music at Amoeba, but not the LA location.

Info: First heard Friday, January 22st, at 1:38 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "As for amoeba clue- this is kinda zen, but- clue will not lead to Berk or SF location either. I guess, though, literally all 3 stock it."
djjdfarmhound: "But what don't they stock!?"
djjdfarmhound: "Help on 6- I think this one is too hard. Any biologists out there to help?"
djjdfarmhound: "guitarman1420, your 104 was heading straight to it then took a wrong turn." (referring to this post in which guitarman mentioned protozoans and Protomen)
djjd: "this is my favorite thread- almost hate to announce it's time to move on---- which is good, because it's not!"
djjdfarmhound: "I love reading the latest musings on #6- want to put it to music, perhaps a concept record?"
djjdfarmhound: "#6 little skeletons- but not the GrtflDd icon."
djjdfarmhound: "and keep w. biological sleuthing"
djjd: "Possibly, it could be. Signed, Sons of Noone" (in response to carla73 asking if it could be Paul Westerberg)
djjdfarmhound: "Woof woof- 1 1 1 1 1 1 what L was http://tinyurl.com/yk9l3n4"
djjdfarmhound: "6 = MMW"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll again.

Answer: Martin Medeski & Wood

Clue #7
He was there at the enlarged auditory but not in jelloland last year.

Info: First heard Friday, January 22st, at 1:38 pm.
"Enlarged auditory" refers to the Big Ears Festival. Jelloland refers to Outside Lands.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Notdarkyet is half right on #33. But the half he is right on he's right as rain." (referring to this post from notdarkyet)
djjd: "Does this lead all the way to Biafra?"
djjd: "Save you some time: Jello land is ref. to SF and therefore a festival there- "
djjdfarmhound: "Help on 7- the festival in SF is only one- and one that would be connected somehow with B'roo-" (Outside Lands!)
djjdfarmhound: "OK #7 clue solvers- join hands and sing along!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIcqUokPiTw"
djjdfarmhound: "7- emaybyodeosmidegtdti- and no, it's not Barry." (unscramble that and you get "maybe somebody did get it")
djjd: "I will say this- he's a real interesting cat, that one." (in response to this post from nuevodudezer47)
djjdfarmhound: "Dan Deacon- enlarged auditory clue- fyi"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll again.

Answer: Dan Deacon

Clue Z
Before the star hatched is what is two times before I was.

Info: First heard Friday, January 22st, at 7:22 pm.
This clue was read by a female DJ; we're not sure if it was operator5011 or not.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Clue Z! A whole new brand of clue- good luck, help forthcoming after I have a nice drink off this beer."
djjd: "It's a real clue- the new DJ is still coming up with a name for herself."
djjd: "This is a kinda interesting train of thought--but maybe in wrong direction. What was the name of the talking horse?" (in response to this post from mattseven)
djjd: "You hit on something there- but probably not what you thought!!" (in response to amish1 mentioning Cold War Kids)
djjdfarmhound: "Help on Z - star is not always spelled S T A R, writer or wronger, that's the help."
djjdfarmhound: "Z- Ed is short for what? The obvious answer is not *the* answer, and gets you only half way there."
djjd: "Does that mean IF he is someone how part of the clue solving- you will buy ME a beer? I like Czech beer and can't wait to drink one that you have bought me." (in response to viciouscircle asking if Edwin Starr was involved in the clue, this confirms he is)
djjd: "fuggit about the beer- I mean as a clue- don't forget about having me a cold one stashed this summer!"
djjdfarmhound: "sublime76194isontherighttrackdontrrowyatbouheteber coz sometimes beer is just a beer" (referring to this post from sublime76)
djjd: "edwin is a winner- you know, or will help you win as you go, think think"
djjd: "give your mind a rest... i will say one one person at least was ONE letter away from the correct answer. said word needs one more letter then you are done we all go get beer and watch Lost"
djjdfarmhound: "Z- set it free! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcf5kzBCdy4"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll again.

Gwar (Presumably. DJJD hasn't officially confirmed this.)

Clue #8
Tom and Jerry, without Art.

Info: First tweeted by @Bonnaroo Saturday, January 23st, at 10:45 am.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "DJ thinks 8 is easiest clue of all. But, DJ is wrong a lot in his life."
djjdfarmhound: "# 8 is sorta easy- kinda easy, but not a gimme."
djjdfarmhound: "OCHO- not yeto!"
djjdfarmhound: "#8- let me make sure it's not solved before I throw out help. But in the meantime- it's a classic 'sounds like' angle. #8 not my bst wrk"
djjdfarmhound: "If DB played slide on SB, yes. If no, probably not." (in response to rachierach asking if we were on the right track with the Allman Brothers)
djjd: "Fillmore, Fillmore, Fillmore..."
djjd: "what the fx3 smashed in one corner- it points to a help in a different corner"
djjdfarmhound: "tom and jerry- not so merry- think 'sounds like'-- though I need to review thread to make sure there isn't an accidental correct guess jean"
djjdfarmhound: "but I think tom and jerry clues LIVES on"
djjdfarmhound: "8- expanding movie and alaskan city, called the same and will help guide you to the real winning name"
djjdfarmhound: "Reviewing 8 from start to finish- I think you can put this one in the DONE DID file. Has been done for a while, I believe."
djjdfarmhound: "GO SAINTS! GO COLTS! I am conflicted here."
djjd: "the most recent tweet-help may help you figure out who nailed it (first??)"
djjd: "i will give someone an award for figuring out this bit, maybe it just sounds like juno?" (in response to this post from TieYourShoes)
djjdfarmhound: "Deadmau5- tom and jerry clue, fyi"

Links: Clue thread is here.

Answer: deadmau5

Clue #9
Tennis shoes can be defeated.

Info: First heard Monday, January 25th, at 5:35 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Number 9, the beatles I do love, but there is another favorite of mine who will steer you directly to this clue, check it in"
djjdfarmhound: "9- I can't remember if this act has been at Broo before (don't think so), but I've never seen him/her/them play and I am TOTALLY stoked."
djjdfarmhound: "And I am not alone."
djjdfarmhound: "did tennis shoe clue person (or is it a band?) ever play the roo- nobody can agree rnd here. I am SURE def. not in first 3 years."
djjdfarmhound: "FYI- I have been to all but the first one. year two I drove a van for the festival- got to cart NY roadies around. TINAC or HWAC"
djjd: "or... I just have a great memory of who played the first 3 years- one of my favorite memories of the most recent roos is of white ray who isn't"
djjdfarmhound: "Help on 9- to get the answer- you must go to another artist- the one who got antelopes high, yet didn't du druhks"
djjdfarmhound: "9 is more now more fine- just a little more time, stay on EL BIKE and don't give up"
djjdfarmhound: "Number 9- is part of all that you can leave behind."
djjdfarmhound: "you can leave 9 behind-"
djjdfarmhound: "Tennis Shoes for JB!"
djjdfarmhound: "9 is Jeff Beck, I do believe, via the Zappa reference from 200 motels."

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll as usual!

Answer: Jeff Beck

Clue #10
Local boys made good, and largely by wood.

Info: First heard Wednesday, January 27th, sometime in the morning. (Anyone know?)

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "Initial glance indicates pres. what I mean to say- 10 yam2byeas" (unscrambling yields "10 may b 2 easy")
djjdfarmhound: "10 prolly not the rulers of birthday in july and august"
djjdfarmhound: "10 for MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll as usual.

Answer: Manchester Orchestra

Clue D
Like a Vietnam veteran without going to Asia, because he got mixed up and thought he was paticol.

Info: First heard Wednesday, January 27th, around 10:55 am.
This one was read by the female DJ.
We're not positive what the last word was. Sounds like paticol, patical, patecal, patecol, patacal, something like that.
Paticol anagrams into capitol (or patical into capital), and "mixed up" could refer to anagrams.

From DJ JD:
djjd: "some ok guesses but still barking up the wrong treat"
djjdfarmhound: "Quite a few-- def not 5, def. not D. In the words of John Edwards- HELP IS ON THE WAAAAy. (Elizabeth thinks not...)" (when asked how many clues are solved)
djjd: "bark once for YES lassie, and two barks for no... BARK BARK!" (in response to this post from Sabo-tage)

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Dr. Dog (no idea on the logic...maybe something to do with dog tags?)

Clue #11
The city of finished fire, where the lights aren't so tight but do fit.

Info: First heard Monday, February 1st, at 5:30 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjd: "Progress on 11- for sure." (from his signature on Inforoo)
djjdfarmhound: "11- Miestas teisingas" (Lithuanian for "correct city")
djjdfarmhound: "Regarding City of Ash- don't get SLIPPED up on the obvious."
djjdfarmhound: "11- the answers lies in that western nc city- but the band in question is not from there."
djjdfarmhound: "11- it's definitely not a guy with these dates: 12 January 1941 – 21 July 2005. But he somehow is sorta/kinda connected. Work it out." (the dates refer to Long John Baldry)
djjdfarmhound: "5 like 11, perhaps based on a specific INCIdent"
djjdfarmhound: "LJB is not LBJ. In other words- wouldn't get too literal- kind of imagine saying his name after a few drinks."
djjdfarmhound: "11- an incident in said city- involving lights.... keeping the darkness at bay but causing fits"
djjd: "fit- could be another word for seizure. lights that aren't tight, are loose, that is, move around. just some ideas i am throwing out there"
DJ JD also came into the Inforoo Chatzy room and answered a ton of questions for us, which was how we really figured out the answer. Cokes posted the important information from the chat here if you want to see.
djjdfarmhound: "11 of course are the great boys from OK, the Flaming Lips"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, courtesy of metrocknroll as usual.

Answer: Flaming Lips

Clue #12
I will be cheering for my fellow bulldog, hey.

Info: First heard Monday, February 2nd, at 11:20 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "12- not mike mills related in any way- and keep in mind he's also a sports fan"
djjdfarmhound: "12- not as local as the five twins and balboa....but shortly thereafter."
djjdfarmhound: "12 is toast."
DJ JD also answered questions about this clue in the Inforoo Chatzy room. He said it doesn't involve anyone who went to UGA or Yale, and that he didn't think the act had ever played Bonnaroo before but he wasn't positive. He also mentioned that a lot of schools have bulldogs as mascots, including a lot of high schools, so we may be looking for a high school. He said this was not an act that had leaked information, so this clue is for an act we don't know about yet. (If you remember anything else he mentioned, let me know!)

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll again.

Answer: Weezer

Clue #13
The Yankee and the unclothed gun. What style. Straight up-and-down, this guy lights up our smile.

Info: First heard Thursday, February 4th, around 4 pm.
The first line of Camper von Beethoven's "Take the Skinheads Bowling" (which DJ JD mentioned in a tweet) is "Every day, I get up and pray to Jah."

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "13- this may not help much, but what's the first line of Take the Skinheads bowling- ?"
djjd: "Comedy? MU!"
djjd: "good thinking- would leave off the naked gun part of that equation--" (in response to this post from zoey)
djjd: "What style? Not comedy...SL ******" (as a signature on Inforoo)
djjdfarmhound: "SL = sounds like"
djjdfarmhound: "13- you got the genre right- or at least some of you have in the last little bit, ire!"
djjdfarmhound: "and, straight up, it's one of the clues, too-"
djjdfarmhound: "13- tonight's 'house' music. didya see it?"
djjdfarmhound: "Jimmy Cliff. Thanks to House!" (retweet of a @Bonnaroo tweet)

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Jimmy Cliff

Clue #14
the anti-clue: Another word for lisommeness + another word for territory.

Info: Tweeted by djjdfarmhound Thursday, February 4th, around 3:30 pm.
Shortly before tweeting this clue, DJ JD mentioned in the Inforoo Chatzy room that he saw someone listed as "confirmed" for Bonnaroo that was dead wrong.

From DJ JD:

Links: Clue thread is here.

Answer: Paul Simon not playing (Presumably. DJJD did not specifically confirm this.)

Clue #15
DJJD Farmhound here with #15, a clue you shouldn't fear. This clue has nothing to do with Glenn Beck Beer.

Info: We missed this clue the first time around, so I'm not sure exactly when it first aired.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "is has nothing to do with beck beer either? or Beck!"
djjdfarmhound: "15- if it's not dealing with beer, beck, glenn beck (thank goodness), what's left in the soup?"
djjdfarmhound: "sublime75RE15BETUL" (referring to this post from sublime76; betul means correct in Malay)
djjdfarmhound: "15- Phoenix - via Glenn Campbell song!"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here, thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Phoenix

Clue #16
Monitoring the digital rights will suit you folks all right.

Info: First heard Friday, February 5th, at 6:50 pm.
We initially missed clue 15, so we thought this was 15. Some of the tweets say 15, but they do presumably apply to this clue.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "15- definitely in the opposite musical direction of metallica"
djjd: "you are getting warm-- and it turns out I'm outta beer" (in response to cokes thinking the opposite of Metallica is folksy or hiphop)
djjdfarmhound: "15 has nada to do with Digital Rights Management or downloads, another happy helpful tip from your loving Djjd"
djjdfarmhound: "DIGITAL RIGHTS CLUE- i wouldn't mess with that one much more"
djjdfarmhound: "16- Dave R. Machine- this is a GREAT live show, btw."

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Dave Rawlings Machine

Clue #17
Same player as in 13. This time with sex change. Dance away y'all.

Info: First heard Monday, February 8th, at 12:30 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "17- way off.... ire."
djjdfarmhound: "17 this clue leads to a song- which leads to the performer- which leads to happiness. And I can't spell Iray very well."
djjdfarmhound: "Stevie Wonder- the second reggie jackson clue fyi"
djjdfarmhound: "(boogie on reggae WOMAN)"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Stevie Wonder

Clue #18
Got AB to the stage, now it's all the rage.

Info: First heard Monday, February 8th, at 3:18 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjdfarmhound: "ab s als abrv fr mus stl"
djjdfarmhound: "Alice Cooper told me to tell you- 18 is kaput!"
djjdfarmhound: "even though it was accidentally solved!"
djjdfarmhound: "Jay Z is total pro- and he's number 18. (He co produced FELA on broadway, the afro beat musical!)"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Jay-Z

Clue #19
Rainbows from Mars tosses these in your yard, admittedly a bit of a stretch here.

Info: First heard Monday, February 8th, at 1:22 pm.

From DJ JD:
djjd: "Stretch is key, PP." (in response to this post from me)
djjdfarmhound: "19-- for help, identify what is often commonly described as the worst song Elvis did. Easy come on and go!"
djjdfarmhound: "SUBLIME IS ROCK'N ON 19. Check spelling on that colorful word!" (referring to this post from Sublime76)
djjd: "the clue has one colorful word in it- check that word, then alternate the spailing"

Links: Clue thread is here. Audio of the clue is here thanks to metrocknroll.

Answer: Lotus

Clue #20
On the petite French stage, knoxers will rock without rage.

Info: First tweeted by djjd here.

Links: Clue thread is here.

Answer: Unknown.

Clue #21
Somebody give him that damn bottle.

Info: First tweeted by djjd here.

Links: Clue thread is here.

Answer: Unknown.